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2011年8 月

2011年8 月16日 (火)

9/15(Thu) Sprit of ASIA @青山CAY チケット発売中!



Ty Burhoe 来日記念ライブ




  Flyer_omote715  Fly_ur7-15a

日 時] 2011年9月15 日(木) OPEN18:30  START20 : 00

[出 演] タイ・バーホー(Ty Burhoe)小湊昭尚小山豊

[会 場] 青山・CAY 03-3498-5790

[料 金] 前売 ¥4300  当日 ¥4800  (飲食代別途) 全席自由席or立見

[チケット取扱] ローソンチケット(Lコード:76649)、CAY、マノハラ  

[主 催] (株)マノハラ、Tala Record

[企画制作] (株)マノハラ

[協 力]  Y ukie Odissi Dance Class Sampatti、佐藤幸恵

[問合せ] マノハラ Tel/Fax 044-572-9290 www.manohara.co.jp  



"I have had a deep love of traditional Japanese music since I was a boy. Something mystical and  

magical has always been stimulated within me by the old traditions of Japan. I find myself  

very excited to begin the journey of collaborating with these wonderful traditional, open minded and gifted artists.  

A message I wish to share through our collaboration and through the vibration of our music is to evoke  

every persons deep inner courage, to open their heart and share the passion of being alive. There is a great 

presence within each person which is shining with an unstoppable light and as we reach into and feel this vast power, 

we can't deny how blessed we are to be alive and how much hope there is within every single moment. I feel that music 

can be a guide for us to strengthen this inner relationship and a way to share this great strength with others. 

I feel honored to be able to share my heart with the Japanese people and find love, passion and new hope together."

Ty Burhoe  www.TyBurhoe.com











タイ・バーホー www.TyBurhoe.com